TUE 12/12/23 WOD

Warm Up - 3 sets:  10 reps or :30 of each movement:  Samson stretch lunge - PVC overhead squat (weight in heels) - Strict sit-ups (minimal arm movement) - Good mornings (neutral spine) - Strict pull-ups (full range of motion) - Strict ring dips (full range of motion) - 1 set:  2 x :30 row // Chest and torso upright. - 2 x :30 row // Hold the end of the stroke for :01. - 2 x :30 row // Return the arms before the knees bend. - 2 x :30 // Speed up the cadence, but still extend the arms before the knees bend. - 2 sets:  150-meter row, holding 1:45-2:30/500-meter pace - Rest 1:00 –


:30 row for calories

:30 rest

12 rounds for total calories


10 Min EMOM

50ft handstand walk or as far as possible in :30 L2-:30 handstand walk practice L1-:30 shoulder taps (handstand, pike, pushup plank)

Post WOD

2 sets:
:30 alternating scorpion stretch
:30 pigeon stretch/leg


WED 12/13/23 WOD


MON 12/11/23 WOD