TUE 11/21/23 WOD

·       Warm Up - 2 sets:  100-meter run - 10 alternating Cossack squats - 10 ring rows - 5 burpees – Pull up warm up:  3 kip swings + 3 big kips – 3 paused kipping pull ups – 3 kipping pull ups – 5 kipping pull ups – Squat clean warm up - :20 setup hold – 5 muscle cleans – 5 front squats – 10 squat cleans (empty bar) - Perform at workout weight - 1 set:  3 squat cleans/person – Rest 1:00. - 5 squat cleans/person –

Partner WOD
30 squat cleans L3-95/65# L2-65/45# L1-45/35#
30 pull-ups L2-40 jumping pull ups L1-50 ring rows
800-meter run L2-600m L1-400m
– Athletes run together but break up the cleans and pull-ups as needed.

3 rounds for time with a partner:

Post WOD - 2 sets:  1:00 foam roll calves - :30 cat-cow - :30 standing pike stretch


WED 11/22/23 WOD - NO 7pm class - All other classes meet -


MON 11/20/23 WOD