TUE 11/12/24 WOD
Warm Up - 3 sets: :30 row - 15 band pull-aparts - 10 scap pull-ups - 5 strict presses with a :03 pause at the top – (empty bar) - 1 set: - 3 wall walks with a :03 hold at the top - 10 push-ups - :30 handstand hold - 10 piked push-ups - :20 hollow hold - 5 strict handstand push-ups - 3 sets: :20 calorie row (building in pace) - 3 handstand push-ups
WOD – 10 Min AMRAP
10/8 calorie row L2-9/7 cals L1-8/6 cals
8 handstand push-ups L2-6 handstand negatives L1-8 DBL DB Push press 25/15#
Rounds + Reps
Strength – Jerk – 5-5-5-5 @ 50-60% 4-4-4 @ 60-70%
Post WOD - 1:00 banded shoulder stretch/arm or 2 min bar hang