THU 9/12/24 WOD
Warm Up – 400m jog - 2 sets: :20 jumping jacks - 10 alternating Cossack squats - :20 mountain climbers - 10 counterbalance squats - 1 set: 10 clean deadlifts - 10 clean deadlifts to mid-thigh - 8 clean deadlift and shrugs - 6 muscle cleans - 4 front squats - 3 hang squat cleans - 3 squat cleans
Stength – Clean – 3-3-3-3 @ 60-70% - 2-2-2 @ 70-80% (3 min per set)
Partner WOD
*Share the work / One works at a time
31 back squats (From the rack) L3-185/125# L2-135/95# L1-65/35#
12 power cleans
3 Rounds for time
Post WOD - 1:00 foam roll quads/side - 1:00 couch stretch/side