THU 8/8/24 WOD

Warm Up – 1 set:  10 alternating Samson stretches - 10 leg swings/leg (across the body) - 10 alternating scorpion stretches - 10 leg swings/leg (forward and backward) - :30 jumping jacks - 10 single-leg toe touches/leg - 20 box step-ups (20 in) - 20 alternating reverse lunges - :30 mountain climbers - 100-meter jog - 10 unweighted good mornings - 10 single-dumbbell box step-ups (20 in) - 10 single-dumbbell walking lunges - 100-meter single-dumbbell carry –

WOD – 20 Min AMRAP
50 single-DB box step-ups L3-20/20” 35/20# L2-18/16” 25/15# L1-16/12” 20/10#
50 single-DB walking lunges L3-35/20# L2-25/15# L1-20/10#
100-m single-DB carry
– Carry the dumbbell anyhow –

Total Rounds + Reps

Post WOD - 1:00 foam roll quad/leg - 1:00 foam roll lats/arm


FRI 8/9/24 WOD


WED 8/7/24 WOD