THU 8/23/24 WOD

Warm Up - EMOM 5:
Min. 1 | inchworm + push-up - Min. 2 | hollow rocks - Min. 3 | up-down + max-effort jump and reach - Min. 4 | hip taps in an inchworm - Min. 5 | burpee + max-effort jump and reach Partner A: rows to 100 m. For every meter partner A rows under or over 100 m, they must perform 2x that many reps of a penalty movement (burpees)
Partner B: as soon as partner A gets off of the rower, partner B starts on their own 100-m row – MINI ROUND:  1 round: - :20 calorie row - :20 rest - :20 burpees


5 rounds for reps:
:20 calorie row
:40 rest
:40 calorie row
:20 rest
1:00 burpees
1:00 rest

Total Reps

Post WOD – Accumulate 50 seated leg raises (5 Min Cap) – Then - 1 set: - :40 seated straddle stretch - :40 seated hamstring stretch, left - :40 seated hamstring stretch, right


FRI 8/25/23 WOD


WED 8/23/23 WOD