THU 8/17/23 WOD
Warm Up – 3 Min AMRAP: 10 mountain climbers - 10 air squats - 5 push-ups to down dog – Rope Practice: 3 Pull to stands – 3 Hang + foot lock – 2 Foot lock + 1 pull – 1 Rope climb – Thrusters: Empty bar - 8 full-grip front squats – 8 wide-stance front squats – 8 pause thrusters – 8 unbroken thrusters – Mini round: 2 sets: 5 thrusters (workout weight) - 1 rope climb or scaling option – Rest 1:00 between sets.
21 thrusters L3-95/65# L2-75/55# L1-45/35#
3 rope climbs L2-1 rope climb L1-3 hand over hand
15 thrusters L3-95/65# L2-75/55# L1-45/35#
2 rope climbs L2-1 rope climb L1-2 hand over hand
9 thrusters L3-95/65# L2-75/55# L1-45/35#
1 rope climb L2-1 rope climb L1-1 hand over hand
POST WOD - Accumulate: - 2:00 L-sit hold – Scale to complete in sets of :15 or more.
STRETCHING: 2 sets: :30 Cossack squat stretch/leg - :30 double-forearm stretch