THU 7/11/24 WOD
Warm Up – 400m Run / 500m Row / 1200m Bike –Then- 10 jumping jacks - 10 alternating Spiderman stretch + reaches - 10 push-ups to downward dog - 10 up-downs - 10 alternating Samson lunges - 10 reverse lunges - 10 jumping jacks - 10 burpees - 10 alternating scorpion stretches - 10 air squats - 10 burpee broad jumps – Power cleans: 5 muscle cleans – 5 tall power cleans – 5 hang power cleans – 5 power cleans -
EMOM 6: 3 hang power cleans – Build to a heavy 3-rep for the day –
Mini round: 10 hang power cleans – 10 bar-facing burpees –
30 hang power cleans L3-115/75# L2-75/55# L1-20 reps @45/35#
30 bar-facing burpees L2-same L1-20 BFB
3 Rounds for time
Post WOD - 1:00 elbow-to-instep/side - 1:00 banded shoulder stretch/side