THU 2/8/24 WOD
Warm Up - 10 alternating Spiderman stretches - 10 leg swings/leg (across the body) - 10 alternating scorpion stretches - 10 leg swings/leg (forward and backward) - :30 jumping jacks - 10 single-leg toe touches/leg - 20 alternating reverse lunges - :30 mountain climbers - 10 unweighted good mornings - 20 walking lunge steps - :30 up-downs –
3 sets: 5 GHD hip and back extensions – Rest 1:00 – Russian KB swings: 10 single-arm kettlebell swings to shoulder height, right arm - 100-meter jog - 10 single-arm kettlebell swings to shoulder height, left arm - 50-meter kettlebell carry - 10 Russian kettlebell swings (two hands) - 50-meter kettlebell carry - 10 Russian kettlebell swings (two hands) at workout weight - 50-meter kettlebell carry –
25 Russian KB swing L3-55/35# L2-45/25# L1-35/15#
100-m KB carry
5 Rounds for Time
Post WOD – Accumulate 1:30 hang