THU 12/07/23 WOD

Warm Up - :30 row (slow) - 10 reverse lunges - 10 hollow rocks - 10 knee push-ups - :30 row (moderate) - 10 reverse lunges - 10 tuck-ups - 10 push-ups - :30 row (hard) - 10 reverse lunges - 10 strict knee raises - 10 pike push-ups (floor) – KB step up:  8 alternating step-ups - 8 alternating kettlebell step-ups (light) = 8 alternating kettlebell step-ups (workout weight) – Toes to bar progression:  3 kip swings – 2 kip swings + 2 knees above hips – 2 kip swings + 2 knees to armpits – 2 kip swings + 2 knees to armpits + 1 toes to bar – 5 toes to bar – Handstand pushups:  3 pike pushups (floor) – 3 pike pushups (box) – 3 handstand negatives – 3 strict handstand pushups – 3 handstand pushups – Mini round:  6 alternating kettlebell step-ups - 5 toes-to-bars - 4 calorie-row - 3 strict handstand push-ups –

30 KB step-ups L3-70/55# 20” L2-55/35# 18” L1-20 steps @ 35/15# 16”
30 toes-to-bars L2-knees to elbows L1-20 knees as high as possible
30/22 calorie row L2-same L1-20/15 calorie row
30 strict handstand push-ups L2-15 strict hspu L1-20 pike pushups
30/22 calorie row L2-same L1-20/15 calorie row
30 toes-to-bars L2-knees to elbows L1-20 knees as high as possible
30 KB step-ups
– Hold the KB on the shoulder.

For time

Post WOD - 3 sets:  :30 left-side straddle stretch - :30 right-side straddle stretch


FRI 12/8/23 WOD


WED 12/06/23 WOD