THU 1/20/22 WOD

Warm Up - 10 Lunge Steps - 10 Side Lunge Steps - 10 Pushups - 10 Sit ups - 10 Pull ups - 10 Squats - Arm Circles - PVC - 10 Pass Thrus - 10 Around the World - 5 Back Presses - 5 Slo-Mo Shoulder Presses - Shoulder Stretch - 1 Min (each) Lat Smash (roller) - 1 Min (each) Banded elbow - 30 sec Handstand Hold -  Bar Warm Up Shoulder Press - 7-6

Strength WOD - Shoulder Press - 5-5-5-5-5-5-5 (Compare to 10/19/21)

WOD - 12 Min AMRAP (Compare to 10/20/20)

5 HSPU L2-Modified L1-Pike/Knees on Box

10 Air Squats

15 Abmat Sit ups

Rounds + Reps


FRI 1/21/22 WOD


No 5:30am or 8:30am Class Tomorrow - 10am Class and all Evening Classes will Meet -