THU 1/13/22 WOD
Warm Up - 100m Run - Goose Step - Side Lunge - 30 sec High Jump Singles - 10 Squats - 10 Push ups - 30 sec running Singles - 10 Pull ups - 10 Lying T2B - 30 sec DUs - Bear Crawl - 5 Down/Up Dogs - 10 Pass Thrus - 10 Around the world - 10 Back Presses - 10 Shoulder Stretch - Movement Prep - 5 Reps of each - 2 Rounds
WOD (9/26/19 or 5/6/19)
50 Box jump L3-24/20” L2-40 @ 20/18” L1-35 @ 18/16”
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 KB swings L3-35/25# L2-40 @ 30/20# L1-35 @ 25/15
50 Walking Lunge steps L2- 40 reps L1-35 reps
50 Knees to elbows L2-Knees AHAP L1-Lying T2B
50 Push press L3-45/35# L2- 40 @ 40/30# L1- 35 @ 35/25#
50 Back extensions L2- 40 Superman L1-35 Superman
50 Wall ball shots L3-20/14# L2-40 @ 16/10# L1-35 @ 14/8#
50 Burpees L2 - 40 reps L1-35 reps
50 Double unders L2-40 High Jump Singles L1-35 HJS
For Time