THU 11/21/24 WOD
Warm Up - 400-meter run - :30 single-unders - 10 alternating Spiderman stretch + reaches - 10 plank hold to downward dog - 10 up-downs (slow) - 10 alternating Samson lunges - 10 dead bugs - :30 single-single-double-unders (or attempts) - 10 push-ups from the knees - 10 alternating scorpion stretches - 10 air squats - 10 push-ups - 10 sit-ups - :30 jump rope (workout variation) – Pistol Progression: 3 narrow stance squats (pause) – 3 narrow stance squats – 2 toenail spot pistols x 2 – 2 foot-wrap pistol squats – 2 pistols – Mini round: :30 double-unders, attempts, or single-unders - 10 sit-ups - 8 push-ups
3 rounds for time:
50 double-unders L2-40 DUs/Attempts L1-50 singles
40 sit-ups L2-30 sit ups L1-20 sit ups
30 push-ups L2-20 pushups L1-15 knee pushups
20 single-leg squats L2-10 single leg squats L1-10 reverse lunges
Strict weighted pull ups – 5-5-5-5-5 (2 Min each)
– Pause with your chin over the bar for :01.
Post WOD - :30 standing bent-arm pec stretch/side - :30 calf wedge stretch/side