THU 10/5/23 WOD
Warm Up – with a partner - On an 6:00 clock: Partner 1 | 100-m run + 50-ft bear crawl - Partner 2 | Cossack squats, plank hold, Samson lunges, hollow rocks – One partner runs and bear crawls while the other AMRAPs one movement at a time
Double under progression: :15 fast singles - :15 power jump singles - :15 single leg unders / leg - :20 speed steps - :20 single single double - :20 single double double - :20 double unders – Skill work: 4 rounds: :20 double-under, triple-under, or crossover work - :10 rest – Work on a skill you have not yet mastered –
WOD – “Annie”
50-40-30-20-10 L2-45-35-25-15-10 L1-40-30-20-10-5
Double unders L2-DUs/Singles L1-Singles
Abmat Sit ups L2-same L1-same
For Time
Strength – 12 Min EMOM – 2 hang power snatches – (work to heaviest load)
Post WOD - 2 sets: :30 cobra stretch - :30 Spiderman stretch/side - :30 calf stretch/side