SAT 9/23/23 -9am - 11am - Strength / Partner WOD / OPEN GYM -

Warm Up - 2:00 row or SkiErg - 10 alternating spiderman stretches - 5 wall therapy squats - 10 PVC pass throughs - 5 wall therapy squats - 10 PVC behind-the-neck snatch grip presses - 5 wall therapy squats - 10 PVC around-the-worlds – 3 sets:  5 Sots presses (empty bar)Strength WOD

5 sets:
5 Sots presses (work to heaviest load)

Partner WOD:
- share the work – only one works at a time –

60 cal row

50 burpee box jumps L3-24/20” L2-20/18” L1-18/12”

40 clean and jerks L3-135/95# L2-95/65# L1-65/45#

30 pull ups L2-jumping pull ups L1-ring rows

20 toes to bar L2-knees to 90 L1-lying toes to bar

10 strict handstand pushups L2-kipping hspu L1-pike/knees on box

For Time

Post WOD - :30 lat roll/side - 1:00 cobra stretch


MON 9/25/23 WOD


FRI 9/22/23 WOD