SAT 4/8/23 - 9am - 11am - Partner WOD / OPEN Gym -
400m weighted run Rxd-45/35# Plate Int-35/25# Plate Beg-25/15# Plate
For Time (This time will be used as a Tie breaker if needed)
One partner carries the plate. Teams can exchange the plate at any time or not at all. Both run together. Team must come to a complete stop to exchange weight. Both team members must cross the finish line to finish.
-Immediately after completing 400m Run-
100 Alternating DB Snatch Rxd-50/35# Int-45/25# Beg-35/15#
80 Kettlebell Swings Rxd-55/35# Int-45/25# Beg-35/15#
60 Wall Ball Shots Rxd-20/14# Int-16/12# Beg-14/8#
*Non-working partner must hold a plate overhead* Rxd-45/35# Int-35/25# Beg-25/15#
For Total Time