SAT 1/6/24 - 9am - 11am - OPEN Gym / Partner WOD -

Warm Up:1 set: 200-meter run, slow - :30 alternating hamstring scoops - 3 sets: :30 running position drill per leg - :30 lean and pull drill - :30 running falling drill - 100-meter run – Practice maintaining a figure-4 body position on each run - 1 set: 200-meter run, faster - Single DB hang squat cleans: 6 DB hang clean pulls/arm - 6 DB hang muscle cleans/arm - 6 DB hang power cleans/arm - 6 DB front squats/arm - 6 DB hang squat cleans/arm - Double unders: alternate with partner - 2 sets: 30 singles - 20 high jump singles - 10 double unders -

Partner WOD

For time with a partner:
800-m run L2-600m L1-400m


10 alternating rounds of:
10 alternating, single-DB hang squat cleans L3-50/35# L2-40/25# L1-30/15#
30 double-unders L2-15 double unders L1-30 singles


800-m run L2-600m L1-400m

– Partners perform the runs together and then alternate full rounds of the 10-round couplet.

For Total Time

Post WOD

2 rounds:
1:00 calf roll/side
1:00 quad smash/side


MON 1/8/24 WOD


FRI 1/5/24 WOD