SAT 12/30/23 -9am - 11am OPEN Gym / Partner WOD -

Warm Up

1 set:
35/50 calorie bike

3 sets:
10 wall-facing squats
50 foot single-arm overhead KB carry/arm

1 set:
10 kip swings
1 Turkish get-up/arm

1 set:
5 pull-ups
1 Turkish get-up/arm (increase weight)

1 set:
5 pull-ups
1 Turkish get-up/arm (workout weight)


Partner WOD
120 pull-ups L2-jumping pull ups L1-Ring Rows
30 KB Turkish get-ups L3-50/35# L2-35/20# L1-25/10#
– Switch arms as needed - Share the work -

For Time


1/1/24 - 11am ONLY - Annual Burpee Challenge - Bring people and bring food to share - Regular class schedule starts back 1/2/24 -


FRI 12/29/23 WOD