SAT 10/7/23 - 9am - 11am - OPEN GYM / Partner WOD -

Warm Up - 1 set:  100-m jog - 10 air squats - 10 DB shoulder presses - 10 unweighted step-ups - 50-m single-arm DB farmers carry/arm - 10 DB goblet squats - 10 DB push presses - 10 single-DB weighted step-ups - 50-m DB farmers carry (light load) - 50-m DB farmers carry (workout weight) – 3 sets:  5 double DB front squats – 5 double DB push jerks – 6 double DB box step ups -


AMRAP 20 with a partner:
200-m DB farmers carry L3-50/35# L2-40/25# L1-100m @ 30/15#
20 double-DB front squats
20 double-DB push jerks
20 double-DB box step-ups L3-24/20” L2-20/16” L1-16/12”
– Partners split work as desired. Both traverse the farmers carry distance, trading off the dumbbells as needed.
– Score is total reps accumulated between partners.

Post WOD - 3 sets:  :30 saddle stretch - :30 down-dog stretch


MON 10/9/23 WOD


FRI 10/6/23 WOD