MON 9/4/23 WOD - 9am Class ONLY!

9am Class ONLY TODAY! - Partner WOD or Half rep solo WOD

Warm Up – 3 min row – Then - 5 reps of each movement – 2 sets



100 Double unders L2-50 DUs L1-200 Singles

100 Kettle Bell Swings L3-55/35# L2-45/25# L1-35/15#

100 Wall Ball Shots L3-20/14# L2-16/12# L1-14/10#

100 Cal Row L2-90 Cals L1-80 cals

400m Run (Both run 400m) L2-Same L1-400m (Share the Run)

100 Box Jumps L3-24/20” L2-20/18” L1-18/12”

100 Burpees L2-80 Burpees L1-60 Burpees

100 Pull ups L2-80 Jumping Pull ups L1-60 Ring Rows

100 Cleans L3-135/95# L2-95/65# L1-65/45#

400m Run (Both run 400m) L2-Same L1-400m (Share the Run)

For Time


TUE 9/5/23 WOD


SAT 9/2/23 - 9am - 11am - OPEN Gym / Partner WOD -