MON 12/30/24 WOD
Warm Up - 1 set: :40 inchworms with a push-up + lateral hop - :40 alternating deep lunge + twists - :40 lateral up-downs over a line - :40 mountain climbers - :40 lateral burpees over a line – Rest :20 between movements – 8 hang power cleans – 8 push presses – 8 jump and lands (no bar) – 8 push jerks - 2 sets: 3 hang power cleans - 3 shoulder-to-overheads – Build in load to workout weight – Rest 1:00 between sets – 5 kip swings – 2 kips + 1 pull up – 5 pull ups – Mini round: 1 set: 2 hang power cleans - 4 shoulder-to-overheads - 6 burpees over the bar - 8 pull-ups – Use workout variations.
3 hang power cleans L3-135/95# L2-95/65# L1-55/35#
6 shoulder-to-overheads
9 lateral burpees over the bar
12 pull-ups L2-Jumping pullups L1-Ring Rows
– Rest 2 Min -
4 Rounds Total Rounds + Reps
Post WOD - 1:30 lat smash/side - 1:30 T-spine foam roll with arms overhead