MON 12/2/24 WOD
Warm Up - 3 sets: :30 bike, easy - :20 bike, moderate pace - :10 bike, fast pace - 2 sets: 10 PVC good mornings - 10 leg swings/side (forward and back) - 5 inchworms - 10 leg swings/side (side to side) - 10 alternating Samson stretches – Deadlift build up: 5-5-5 – Mini round: :30 bike - :30 deadlifts (with working weight) –
1:00 bike or row for calories
1:00 deadlifts L3-185/125# L2-135/95# L1-95/65#
2:00 rest
5 Rounds
Total Calories + Reps
Strength – Sumo stance good mornings – 10-10-10 (3 min per set)
Post WOD - :30 standing hamstring stretch/leg - 1:00 table-top stretch