THU 11/30/23 WOD

Warm Up – 500m Row - 10 jumping jacks - 10 alternating Spiderman + reaches - 10 push-ups to downward dog - 10 burpees (slow) - 10 box step-ups - 10 alternating Samson lunges - 10 reverse lunges - 10 jumping jacks - 10 box jumps - 10 alternating scorpion stretches - 10 air squats - 10 burpees (fast) - 10 box jump-overs – Dumbbell snatch:  10 alt DB hang stand and shrug – 10 alt DB hang sumo deadlift high pulls – 10 alt DB hang power snatches – Mini round:  2 sets:  4 alternating DB hang power snatches - 4 box jump-overs –

Skill Work:  On a 8:00 clock: - 5 attempts at a high box jump (work to highest successful box jump)

8 alternating DB hang snatches L3-50/35# L2-40/25# L1-25/10#
8 box jump-overs L3-30/24” L2-24/20” L1-20/12”
8 Rounds for Time

Post WOD - 1:00 elevated pigeon pose (on the box if needed)/side - :30 calf stretch/side


FRI 12/1/23 WOD


WED 11/29/23 WOD