FRI 12/6/24 WOD
Warm Up - 2 sets: 5 med-ball chest passes with a partner - 6 med-ball lateral passes with a partner (3/side) - 10 alternating box step-ups with a partner - 1 set: 5 med-ball chest passes with a partner - 6 med-ball lateral passes with a partner (3/side) - 10 box jumps - 3 sets: 5 shoulder presses – elbows in front of the bar in the rack - 5 sumo deadlifts – feet just wider than squat stance - 5 jumps in place (on sets 2 and 3 have athletes box jump and step down) - 2 sets: 5 med-ball thrusters - 5 wall-ball shots - 2 sets: 5 push press dip and drive - 5 push presses - 2 sets: 5 sumo deadlifts - 5 sumo deadlift high pulls (pause at the hips on the return) - 2 sets: 5 wall-ball shots - 5 push presses - 5 box jumps - 5 sumo deadlift high pulls – Increase loading, box height, and wall-ball height across each set.
WOD – “Fight Gone Bad”
1:00 wall-ball shots L3-20/14# L2-16/12# L1-14/10#
1:00 sumo deadlift high pulls L3-75/55# L2-65/45# L1-55/35#
1:00 box jumps L3-20/18” L2-18/16” L1-16/12”
1:00 push presses L3-75/55# L2-65/45# L1-55/35#
1:00 row for calories
– Rest 1:00 between rounds –
3 Rounds for Total Reps
Post WOD - 2 sets: :30 lacrosse ball calf roll/leg - :30 lacrosse ball foot roll/foot