FRI 12/13/24 WOD
Warm Up - 3 sets: 5 jumping jacks - 10 steps bear crawl - 5 good mornings - 10 overhead alternating lunges - 15 lateral hop over the barbell - 1 set: :30 double-unders - 10 push-ups to down dog - 10 clean grip deadlifts - 1 set: :30 double-unders - 10 handstand push-up negatives - 10 hang muscle cleans - 1 set: :30 double-unders - 2 wall walks - 10 hang power cleans - 5 strict handstand push-ups - 3 sets: 3 hang power cleans – Build in load –
5 hang power cleans L3-155/105# L2-115/75# L1-45/35#
5 strict handstand push-ups L2-3 handstand negatives L1-5 DB shoulder presses
Rounds + Reps
Strength - Back rack lunge - 6-6-6-6-6+ – Max reps on the last set.
Post WOD - 1:00 banded shoulder stretch/side