TUE 12/19/23 WOD
Warm Up - 1 set: 1:20 row (easy) - :40 good mornings + jump - 1 set: 1:20 row (moderate) = :40 air squats - 1 set: 1:20 row (fast) - :40 burpees - 1 set: 10 alternating reverse lunges - 10 hang power cleans (empty barbell) - 10 alternating long reverse lunges - 5 hang power cleans (add weight) - 10 alternating elevated reverse lunges - 5 hang power cleans (add weight) - 10 alternating single-leg squats to box - 3 hang power cleans (add weight) - 10 alternating heel hook squats - 3 hang power cleans (add weight) - 10 alternating single-leg squats - 3 hang power cleans (add weight) –
2,000-meter row L2-1500m L1-1000m
50 alternating single-leg squats L2-50 to a target L1-50 alt reverse lunges
30 hang cleans L3-225/135# L2-155/105# L1-75/55#
For Time
Strength – Deadlift – 2-2-2-2-2-2-2 (2 min per round)
Post WOD - 2 sets: :30 frog stretch - :30 couch stretch/leg